Queen Sofia Junior Research Fellowship, Exeter College, University of Oxford, UK

Exeter College proposes to elect to the Queen Sofia Junior Research Fellowship in Modern and Contemporary Peninsular Spanish Literature from 1 October 2011. The Fellowship is open equally to men and women and is tenable for two years in the first instance, renewable for a further period of one year only. The College will normally consider applications both from persons well advanced in their work for a doctorate and from those engaged in post-doctoral research. The salary offered is £22,590 (inclusive of Housing Allowance; subject to deduction if accommodation in College is offered and accepted).

Further particulars may be obtained either from the website on http://www.exeter.ox.ac.uk/college/vacancies or the Academic Administrator, Exeter College, Oxford, OX1 3DP, e-mail: academic.administrator@exeter.ox.ac.uk to whom applications should be submitted.

Candidates are asked to submit a curriculum vitae and to ask three referees to write directly to the Academic Administrator by the closing date for applications which is noon on Wednesday 23rd February 2011. Interviews will be held on Wednesday 27th April 2011.

Exeter College is an Equal Opportunities Employer and values diversity.


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