VTT is a globally networked multitechnological contract research organization. VTT provides high-end technology solutions and innovation services to a broad range of industries worldwide. As a workplace we offer new challenges at the forefront of technological development. VTT employs 3,100 professionals. Our turnover is 290 M€. Main locations in Finland include Espoo, Tampere, Oulu, and Jyväskylä.
Job description
- performs research on context-aware systems to assist users in situations, in which the use of conventional computers and mobile devices is out of question
- unites efforts of an interdisciplinary network of leading European academic, medical, and industrial partners. Each fellow interacts with several partners in order to design, develop and evaluate novel technical solutions.
We are looking for PhD candidates, who have a background in computer science, biomedical and electrical engineering, or in Social Sciences and Human Engineering, with a strong inclination to research in healthcare and related fields. Each PhD fellow position is fully funded for three years.
Position at VTT: Wearable long-term brain monitoring: The goal of this project is to develop methods for ambulatory long-term measurements of brain activity and proof-of-concept application prototypes. Special focus is on context rec-ognition methods that fuse information on user`s mental status with information obtained from more traditional context-recognition sensors, such as accelerometers. Processing will include phases from pre-processing to high-level pattern classification for purposes ranging from artefact detection to modelling for mental state recognition. A wearable sensor system will be developed and evaluated regarding application design and usability in studies. The work will include two 3-month visits to other partners in the network for further skill development in sensor system development for brain monitoring and system evaluation.
You have a background in computer science, biomedical and electrical engineering, or in Social Sciences and Human Engineering, with a strong inclination to research in healthcare and related fields.
Criteria for eligibility:
- The researcher can be a national of any country.
- The researcher has not lived, worked or studied in the country of the host organisation of this position (Finland) for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference date. Short stays, such as holidays, are not taken into account.
- The researcher obtained the masters degree not more than 4 years ago.
We offer
We offer challenging and interesting tasks using state-of-the-art equipment. You will have good career and development opportunities.
Knowledge centre/Service area
Knowledge intensive services
More information about the position
For further information, please contact Mark van Gils, mark.vangils@vtt.fi, tel +358 20 722 3342, Miikka Ermes, miikka.ermes@vtt.fi, tel. +358 20 722 3388
Sending your application
Please email your application including your transcript of records and CV directly to Mark van Gils, mark.vangils@vtt.fi.
Application deadline : March, 27th 2011
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