The TR32 is an interdisciplinary collaborative research center including the universities of Aachen, Bonn, Cologne and the Research Centre Jülich(Germany). The TR32 comprises a broad range of natural scientific disciplines and deals with patterns in state variables, and mass and energy fluxes in the coupled soil-vegetation-atmosphere systems due to complex exchange processes and interactions. We are currently announcing a number of PhD graduate research assistantships and post-doctoral research associate.
PhD students will be part of the newly established TR32 Graduate School.
-Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Soil Water Processes
1 PhD’s position
-Characterizing spatio-temporal patterns of water and C-fluxes at field-scale
1 PhD’s position
-The role of soil heterogeneity on field scale evapotranspiration:
3D integrative modelling and upscaling of root water uptake.
2 PhD’s positions
-Soil moisture content estimation by inverting surface and borehole ground penetrating radar data
1 PhD’s position
-Spatio-temporal variability of catchment properties and their effect on water, solute, and CO2 fluxes from the micro- to the mesoscale
2 PhD’s positions
-Scale consistent two-way coupling of land-surface and atmospheric models
1 PhD’s position
-CO2 and water flux estimation by four-dimensional variational assimilation of in situ and remote sensing data
2 PhD’s positions
-Development and maintenance of two-way coupled Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere System
2 Postdoctoral research positions
Every PhD’s graduate research assistantship is for a 3,5 years period and is remunerated with a 75%-TV-L E13 Position.
The postdoctoral positions are also for a duration of 3,5 years and we offer an experience commensurate salary.
Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the positions have been filled.
Application Deadline : 31 May 2011
Visit Official Website.
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