INSEAD Scholarships are the most sought-after source of financial assistance. They are limited in number and there is significant competition for each award. These scholarships are granted under various criteria and essentially there are two basic categories of scholarships:
Need-based: demonstrate financial need
Non-need based: based on either merit, nationality, gender, professional background, leadership abilities, field of previous studies etc.
For all INSEAD scholarships we require applicants to provide accurate details of their financial situation.
The INSEAD scholarships below are available for both the Fontainebleau and Singapore campuses, unless specifically mentioned. All our scholarship applications are on-line except where mentioned in the scholarship description. To submit an application, first follow the Scholarship Guide below and get yourself registered.
Allocation of scholarships by round
Please note the following important information:
- The majority of scholarship awards will be allocated to Rounds 1 and 2 candidates.
- Twenty percent (20%) of the funds will be reserved for Round 3 candidates.
- Waitlisted candidates are encouraged to apply for scholarships within the deadlines indicated below. Your scholarship applications will be reviewed while you are still on the waitlist.
Scholarship applications for Round 1 candidates should be submitted after applicants receive their final admission decisions, whereas scholarship applications for Rounds 2 and 3 candidates should be submitted at the interview stage of the admission process.
The following scholarships will be available for Round 3 candidates:
- Need-based scholarships: many of the scholarships in this category will be kept aside for Round 3 applicants.
- Louis Franck Scholarship for candidates from the UK
- L’Oreal: candidates must demonstrate a capacity for creativity and innovation through diversity and entrepreneurial activity.
Submitting your applications (registration and deadlines)
To access the scholarship application form on-line, you will first need to register. Upon registering you will receive your personal login ID and password to navigate through the scholarship website. Throughout the period that the on-line application is available, you can modify or withdraw your scholarship applications as you please. You can track the status of your on-line application with the help of your scholarship login ID and password.
Applications must be complete and submitted by midnight Central European Time (GMT +1) on the day of deadline. We regret we cannot accept any scholarship applications after the deadlines as the site will be closed.
Notification of outcome
For the December Class, scholarship decisions for Rounds 1 and 2 will be communicated by e-mail by the end of September/early October and for Round 3 by the end of October.
For the July Class, scholarship decisions for Rounds 1 and 2 will be communicated by e-mail by the end of March/early April and for Round 3 by the end of May.
Eligibility Criteria
All scholarships have specific eligibility criteria based on a combination of merit and financial need. Candidates will be judged on the quality of their scholarship essays and the degree to which they meet the eligibility criteria. As a part of the merit criteria, the Committee will consider the academic and professional achievements and merit distinctions received. Please note that neither admissions essays nor GMAT results will be considered as part of the scholarship review process.
The group of need-based scholarships is primarily focused on emerging and developing markets. Therefore, when reviewing these scholarship applications, financial need is the main criterion. Please note that a number of supporting documents will be required for the need-based scholarships. You will find these documents listed under the need-based scholarship description.
For your information:
- 19% of the 2010 classes received INSEAD scholarships for an average amount of €11,200. INSEAD aims to allocate its scholarships funds across the class. Only occasionally is more than one award given to a student.
- We encourage you to limit your applications to a maximum of 5 scholarships.
- Scholarship awards are deducted from the last instalment of your tuition fees.
- Applicants in Rounds 2 and 3 will be encouraged to apply for scholarships after being selected for interviews.
Scholarship application deadlines:
July 2012 (commencing August 2011)
Round 1: 18 January 2011 – 11 February 2011
Round 2: 18 January 2011 – 11 February 2011
Round 3: 18 April 2011 – 6 May 2011
Visit http://mba.insead.edu/schlmgmt/index.cfm?fuseaction=dsp_schl_guide&show=1
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