Beasiswa Kuliah Di Luar Negeri

Darwin Studentships, University of Birmingham, UK

The Darwin Studentships specifically fund PhD projects in the area of microbial (preferably bacterial) molecular genetics. Applications are considered from 31st January each year and excellent candidates are chosen for available projects until all Studentships […]

Beasiswa Kuliah Di Luar Negeri

Bond University Postgraduate Award, Australia

Bond University offers a range of living stipend scholarships for commencing Doctoral degree students. Living stipends are tax exempt, and provide financial support to enable students to focus on their studies. The 2016 Bond University […]

Beasiswa Kuliah Di Luar Negeri

School of Business and Economics (SBE) non-EU Scholarship, Maastricht University, Netherlands

The Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (SBE) offers one scholarship for its three-year bachelor’s programmes to talented students with the interest to expand their global education. The scholarship is available to students with […]

Beasiswa Kuliah Di Luar Negeri

MBA Scholarships, Brunel University, UK

Six scholarships worth £6,000 are available for UK/EU and international applicants joining the Brunel MBA in January 2016. Each scholarship is discounted from the total course tuition fee, and this is referred to as a […]