The Department of Electronics and Information is actively looking for applications from international students for the PhD program in Information Technology. The call of the competition for the admission to the XXVII cycle of the Doctoral Programs has been published on the website Official Website.
Deadline for the applications is May 25th, 2011. Detailed information about the PhD program in Information Technology is given at the link Official Website.
Teaching and all activities are in English. Among theses proposals (some of which described on Official Website.), some concern robotics topics. Please contact people working on Robotics at DEI for further information (Robotics and industrial automation, Autonomous robotics, and Computer vision and image analysis groups at Official Website. Andrea Bonarini and Paolo Rocco
To get in contact with current PhD students you can refer to the PhDDei association: Official Website.
Administrative information: dottoratoinginfo@elet.polimi.it
Prof. Andrea Bonarini
Politecnico di Milano AI & Robotics Lab
Department of Electronics and Information
Politecnico di Milano – Italy
URL: Visit Official Website.
Phone +39 02 2399 3525 Fax 3411 Secretary 3405
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