Collaborative Research Center SFB 876 at the TU Dortmund University Providing Information by Resource-Constrained Data Analysis offers the following positions and opportunities:
Data Mining: 12 Postgraduate / Junior Researcher Positions, TU Dortmund University, SFB 876 with excellence in data mining, statistical learning, graphical models, parallel and distributed data mining, analysis of spectroscopy data, image analysis, high-throughput data analysis, or algorithm engineering
Embedded Systems: 6 Postgraduate / Junior Researcher Positions, TU Dortmund University, SFB 876 with excellence in embedded systems, operating systems of ubiquitous systems, communication networks, energy-aware algorithms
Information Systems: 2 Postgraduate / Junior Researcher Positions, TU Dortmund University, SFB 876 with excellence in Information engineering, multi-agent systems, privacy
Fellowship: 2 SFB 876 PhD or Postdoc Fellowships for 2 to 6 months The collaborative research center SFB876 brings together data mining and embedded systems and enhances their methods such that information from distributed, dynamic masses of data becomes available anytime and anywhere. The research center SFB 876 is structured into 12 interdisciplinary projects. Positions for PhD students are now available for all of these projects. For further information about the projects see: http://www-ai.cs.uni-dortmund.de/auto?self=$fz10eqyn
Conditions of Employment for Postgraduates
Salary is according to the German Federal pay scale (TV-L 13, approx. EUR 34,000 p.a.). The positions are available from January 2011 until the end of 2012 with the possibility of extension.
Application deadline: 02 February 2011 or until a suitable candidate is found.
Women are particularly encouraged to apply. In case of equal personal aptitudes and qualification, disabled persons will be given priority.
If applicable, the successful applicants are expected to work on obtaining a doctoral degree in the scope of this position.
Please address questions about the position and send your application in electronic form (PDF) by email to the project leader of the respective project and/or the speaker of the SFB876, Prof. Dr. Katharina Morik (katharina.morik@tu-dortmund.de) Please, indicate in the subject line of the mail: „SFB876 application” and the project identifier.
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