Faculty of Life Sciences at University of Copenhagen is offering a number of PhD scholarships commencing between 1 January 2011 and 1 March 2011. The application deadline is 12 November 2010.
Faculty of Life Sciences (LIFE) is a significant part of one of Europe´s leading universities. We strive to give our students and researchers the best international career prospects within our main research areas:
- Food and health
- Climate, energy and environment
- Politics, economics and developing countries
- Animals, ethics and welfare
- Veterinary and animal sciences
- Biotechnology
- Forest, land and urban development
- Plants and natural resources
LIFE PhD scholarships are available to candidates with research projects relating to at least one of these areas.
Job description
The key tasks for PhD students at LIFE are:
- Research – the research project will take up most of your time
- Teaching and dissemination
- Participation in PhD courses
- Writing articles and the PhD thesis
- A stay at another research institution, possibly abroad
- Recipients of LIFE PhD scholarships will be enrolled at the LIFE Graduate School and employed by the Faculty.
Key criteria for the assessment of candidates
- A master´s degree related to the subject area of the project and the grade point average achieved
- Professional qualifications relevant to the PhD programme
- Previous publications
- Relevant work experience
- Other professional activities
- Language skills
- Interpersonal skills
- Marks obtained during the first year of study on the master programme (only relevant for applicants applying for a 4-year scholarship)
Formal requirements
- Applications will only be considered if the candidate can commence between 1 January 2011 and 1 March 2011.
- The positions are available for a 3-year period for applicants holding a relevant master´s degree or for a 4-year period for applicants who are already enrolled or are accepted to be enrolled at one of the Faculty´s master´s programmes.
- At the time of commencement, applicants for the 4-year period must have approximately one year of study remaining before graduating from their MSc programme.
- Applications can be accepted only if the PhD plan (form F2) is signed by the potential principal supervisor.
- A minimum of three scholarships will be awarded to applicants holding a DVM degree.
Terms of employment
The position will be filled according to the agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations. The post is covered by the Protocol on Job Structure.
Application Procedure
Applicants must formulate their PhD project in a PhD Plan in collaboration with their potential principal supervisor. Therefore, applicants should contact a potential supervisor as their first step. The principal supervisor must be either a professor or an associate professor at LIFE.
All applicants must use the formal PhD application forms (F1 and F2 – available from LIFE´s PhD website). The two forms specify other documents which are to be included in the application.
Applicants whose principal language of instruction during their BSc/MSc was not Scandinavian or English must enclose IELTS or TOEFL test scores.
The application should be submitted in one signed printed copy and one complete PDF file on a CD-ROM or USB memory stick (i.e. forms F1 and F2 and all enclosures gathered in a single PDF file).
It is not possible to submit the application via e-mail.
The applicants will be assessed according to the Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation Executive Order no. 284 of 25 April 2008.
By the end of December 2010, all applicants will have received information regarding the evaluation of their application. Receipt of the application will not be acknowledged.
The application, marked 625-286 should be sent to:
Faculty of Life Sciences
Bülowsvej 17
1870 Frederiksberg
The application must be received no later than 12 November 2010 at 12.00 pm (noon). Applications received later than this will not be considered.
Source: http://www.ku.dk/english/available_positions/vip/
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