Maud Tyler Scholarship
Dr Maud Tyler, who retired as Deputy Vice-Chancellor in December 2006 after 35 years at the University, has made a generous donation. This scholarship will be available to you if you are applying for the progression or career awards scholarships, and have a specific or hidden disability.
Amount: £4,000 per annum, £3,000 available as tuition fee waiver plus £1,000 towards living costs.
Eligibility: You must be a year 1 University of Westminster UK/EU student applying for the progression or career awards scholarships, and have a specific or hidden disability.
Reid Scholarship for Biosciences
Following a generous donation from Guildford Academic Associates a £1000 cash award is available for women who wish to study biosciences. Applicants must be U.K. citizens, the first in their family to attend university and be academically excellent.
Deadline: 31 August 2010.
Visit official website.
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