Delft University of Technology. EWI-R&EMS Scholarship
Excellent students accepted to the MSc programma in Applied Mathematics with a research interest in Risk & Environmental Modeling
Numerous scholarships are awarded to TU Delft admitted students with exceptional promise and outstanding academic achievement by specific faculties, departments and industry partners. Consideration for these scholarships requires students to have been admitted to their MSc programme.
Selection criteria
- Target group: Master’s degree
- Purpose: Study, Research
- Field of study: Engineering, Mathematics and computer science
- Countries: All
- Eligible candidates: Excellent student who indicate in their program application materials that they whish to be considered for this scholarship
Grant Information
Value and purpose of grant: Ranges from partial coverage of tuition fee to full scholarship
Closing date: April 1, 2011
Grant provider: TUD Faculty of Engineeringe, Mathematics and Computer Science
Application procedure: Students should indicate that they wish to be considerd for this scholarship in their programme application materials
Visit Official Website.
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