The Division of Physics at Luleå University of Technology (LTU) invites highly motivated candidates with an interest to carry out research on nanostructured materials in experimental high pressure Materials Physics to apply for a post-doctoral scholarship.
For further information about the Division of Physics, LTU, the research group and current research projects please contact Prof. Alexander Soldatov, phone 0920 49 11 36, e-mail alexander.soldatov@ltu.se or visit our web pages, se links below.
Interested candidates should submit their applications with reference number 686-11 including: a letter of motivation outlining experience and research interests, CV, publication list and names and addresses of three references to the Registrar, Luleå University of Technology, 971 87 Luleå. Applications by e-mail are accepted.
Application Deadline : 15 April 2011
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