There is a strong connection between mathematical theories of group representations and special functions. Over the past years this connection has been extended to representation theory of quantum groups, which can be considered a deformation of groups, and special functions. The goal of the project is to establish the relationship between quantum groups and matrix-valued special functions, and to obtain new results in these areas.
You will be supervised by prof.dr. H.T. Koelink and dr. P.M. Román (Cordoba, Argentina). Duties include teaching.
You must have a Master’s degree in mathematics, preferably with an emphasis on representation theory, Lie groups, and/or special functions.
The Mathematics Department in Nijmegen is part of the Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics (IMAPP). The Mathematics division of IMAPP consists of three groups: Algebra and Logic, Applied Stochastics, and Mathematical Physics. The opening for the PhD-student is in the Mathematical Physics (MP) group. This group has three chairs: Analysis, Geometry and Mathematical Physics. The main research themes in MP are Noncommutative Geometry, Lie and Quantum Groups, Special Functions and Symplectic Geometry.
Website: Visit Official Website.
Conditions of employment
Employment: 1,0 fte
Maximum salary per month, based on a fulltime employment: € 2,612 gross/month
The starting salary is €2,042 per month and will increase to €2,612 per month in the fourth year. PhD scale.
Duration of the contract: Initially for a period of 18 months.
Additional conditions of employment
The initial appointment will be evaluated after 18 months. If the evaluation is positive, the contract will be extended by 2.5 years.
Other Information
You are requested to submit a covering letter, a curriculum vita including a list of courses with grades, and the names of at least two referees
Additional Information
Prof. dr. H. T. Koelink
Telephone: +31 24 3652597
E-mail: e.koelink@math.ru.nl
You can apply for the job (mention the vacancy number 62.36.11) before 27 April 2011 by sending your application -preferably by email- to:
RU Nijmegen, FNWI, P&O, mrs. M. Vossen
P.O. Box 9010, 6500 GL Nijmegen, NL
Telephone: +31 24 3652691
E-mail: vacatures@science.ru.nl
Application Deadline : 27 April 2011
Visit Official Website.
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