The CLIB-Graduate Cluster Industrial Biotechnology offers 6 PhD scholarships starting in the autumn 2011 semester. This is a structured doctoral programme of Bielefeld University, the TU Dortmund University and the University of Duesseldorf. All three universities are located in NRW, the most populous state of Germany with an excellent research and industrial infrastructure.
Doctoral candidates will join top research labs working both on applied and basic research, take part in key qualification courses and yearly retreats, and are encouraged to join a company for a 3-month industrial internship. They will receive a tax-free stipend of 1500 EUR per month for 36 months.
Research projects in the cluster span the range of industrial biotechnology. In our current call, we offer projects at
Bielefeld University
• polyomics (bioinformatics, systems biology, -omics technologies,)
• expression (novel and established organisms, secretion systems)
TU Dortmund University
• expression (novel and established organisms, secretion systems)
• biocatalysis (whole-cell and single-molecule biocatalysis, enzyme optimisation)
We invite excellent graduates with a M.Sc./M.A. or Diploma in relevant disciplines, who receive their degree before September 2011, to apply. Applications need to be submitted via our online system. The application deadline is 06 May 2011. Projects start 01 October 2011.
Please see our Official Website. for further details and application instructions.
The following projects are suitable for candidates with a degree in bioinformatics, computer science, genome research
Project No. 605 (req: bioinformatics, computer science)
Dr. Alexander Sczyrba, Prof. Dr. Jens Stoye
Metagenome assembly.
Project No. 606 (req: bioinformatics, computer science)
Prof. Dr. Tim W. Nattkemper, Dr. Alexander Goesmann
A hardware-accelerated machine learning approach for rapid signature mapping and taxonomic assignment of short Illumina sequence reads.
Project No. 607 (req: bioinformatics or related)
Dr. Alexander Goesmann, Dr. Jörn Kalinowski, Prof. Dr. Olaf Kruse
Bioinformatics tools for high-throughput RNA-Seq data analysis.
Project No. 609 (req: bioinformatics, genome research or related)
Dr. Alexander Goesmann, Prof. Dr. Tim W. Nattkemper, Dr. Andreas Schlüter
Design of a bioinformatics platform for exploratory data analysis and visual data mining in taxonomic profiles deduced from metagenome sequence data.
Application Deadline : 6 May 2011
Visit Official Website.
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