Applications are invited for a PhD position at the University of Aarhus, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (DJF), Department of Food Science. The position is available for three years beginning as soon as possible.
Research area and project description
High-intensity ultrasound is a technology which has the potential to improve the quality of dairy products as it is hypothesized that ultrasound processing can optimize the microstructure of crystallized lipids and protein networks.
The project will include two systems representing a lipid and a protein food system; anhydrous milk fat and whey protein concentrate, respectively. The research will cover elucidation of the effect of high-intensity ultrasound processing on milk fat crystallization and whey protein network formation by studying the microstructure and the macroscopic properties. This will be accomplished trough use of oscillatory rheology, texture analysis, confocal laser scanning microscopy, fluorescence analysis and pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance analysis.
Qualifications and specific competences
Applicants to the PhD positions must have a relevant Master’s degree (or graduate in the very near future – documentation for final thesis and date of examination must be enclosed in the application) or equivalent.
The PhD candidate for this project must have a general background in food science, molecular biology or physical chemistry or corresponding qualifications. A study visit abroad is anticipated during the PhD.
Application procedures
Applications should be submitted online and include the following enclosures:
• Motivation letter (application)
• CV and publication list, if any
• Diplomas including transcripts*
*Note that you need to calculate your grade point average, both for the MSc part and for the BSc. Grade point average should be weighted relative to course credits, and is calculated as the sum of each grade times the course credits (e.g. ECTS) divided by the total sum of course credits. Pass/fail courses are not included in the grade point average. Information on how to transfer from ECTS/US grade equivalent to Danish scale and how to calculate grade point average can be found here.
Place of Employment and Place of Work
The place of employment is Aarhus University, and the place of work is the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Blichers Allé 20, DK-8830 Tjele.
Applicants seeking further information are invited to contact: Associate Professor Lars Wiking, +45 8999 1569, e-mail: lars.wiking@agrsci.dk.
Salary and Terms of Employment
Salary and terms of employment are according to current agreement for state-employed academics and government circular from the Ministry of Finance regarding PhD students as well as the appointment structure of 2007 for scientific personnel at universities.
Matriculation as a PhD student will be in accordance with Ministerial Order no. 18 of 14 January 2008 on the PhD Programme at Universities, and matriculation at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences is a prerequisite for employment as a PhD student.
The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences encourages all, irrespective of personal background, to apply.
The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences is a faculty at Aarhus University. The faculty employs approx. 950 staff members. The activities at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences are primarily carried out at Foulum (near Viborg), Aarslev (near Odense), Flakkebjerg (near Slagelse) and Sorgenfri (near Kgs. Lyngby). For further information: Official Website.
Application Deadline : 4 April 2011
Visit Official Website.
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