The Humanities and Social Sciences Group; Faculty of Business and Economics; Research Centre for Operations Management are looking for:
Research assistant (f/m) – ABV201115
The Research Center for Operations Management focusses its research on production planning, project planning and healthcare planning. The aim is to publish in international scientific journals on problems based on real-life cases.
Your opportunities
- You will conduct research and work towards a PhD in Applied economics on surgery planning in hospitals. The focus will be on research for algorithms to solve practical problems in surgery planning. These issues involve among others the sequencing of surgeries, the planning of master surgery schedules and the planning of employees in the hospital (anaesthetists, nurses etc). The exact topic will be determined in function of the interests of the hospitals and the interest and capacities of the researcher. This research is performed in cooperation with Prof. Erik Demeulemeester.
- You are also expected to participate in seminars and conferences, and to enroll in the PhD program of the Faculty of Business and Economics. The candidate can be asked to give guidance to students (e.g., by supervising their master’s thesis) and to supervise exams.
- You will find a dynamic and pleasant working environment, in a group that is actively involved in scientific research at the highest international level.
Your profile
- You preferably have a background as Master of Science in Commercial Engineering, Applied Economics, Mathematics, Computer Science or Civil Engineering.
- A decent knowledge of written and spoken English is required.
- You should have a strong interest in doing research.
- Master’s and undergraduate students in their last year are especially encouraged to apply.
Our offer
We offer an employment as full-time doctoral scholar starting on 1 September 2011, for 1 year, renewable till 4 years.
Please Visit Official Website. and apply online.
For more information about the job description, please contact
Prof. Dr. E. Demeulemeester, erik.demeulemeester@econ.kuleuven.be, tel:+32 16 326972
Applications must be received no later than 31-3-2011.
K.U.Leuven carries out an equal opportunity and diversity policy.
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