These pages will assist you in submitting your application for the international master program in Digital Media (M.Sc./M.A.) in the German Federal State of Bremen. The application process includes two steps: First, you use our online application system in order to upload your application documents. Second, in case of admission, you have to transmit all your documents additionally on paper with certified documents. Everything related to the application procedure is in English – as is the program of study itself.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to Bremen and wish you all the best for your application. If any questions arise, feel free to contact us at http://www.digitale-medien-bremen.de/en/contact.html
* April 2010: Start (online application system open)
* 31st May 2010: Final Application deadline
* 30th September: Original/attested copies of certificates have to be filed in
* October 2010: Start of classes
How to Apply
1. We strongly recommend that you read first all information about the upcoming Master projects first. You have to select one for your online application.
2. The online application system is activated from April until May 31st 2010.
3. We will send you the admission or rejection of your application a.s.a.p.
4. You have to send all your documents in paper to our admission office by September 30th.
Postal Address
Please send the paper versions of your application documents to the
administration office:
Master in Digital Media Application
University of Bremen
SfS -International
Bibliothekstrasse 1
D-28359 Bremen
Application Deadline : 31 May 2010
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