The ALGANT Master course is open to all interested students in Europe and elsewhere. The European Union supports the course by financing about a ten scholarships for students outside the European Union, and five for European students. Other sources of funding are also available and tuition fees are kept at a very reasonable level.
Students interested in applying have to complete the application. Below is a list of the documents that will be required in addition to the application form. Note in particular the English language proficiency requirement, since most courses will be in English.
Admission criteria
The ideal candidate must possess an academic degree from a program in mathematics lasting a minimum of three years (Bachelor). A thorough proficiency in English is required. In fact, every student of the ALGANT master will be offered the possibility to follow his entire curriculum in English. For each student a program will be tailored individually, but every student will have to go through at least two hosting institutions of the consortium.
Applicants should:
- have completed a Bachelor of science degree in Mathematics or equivalent, with good results;
- have a thorough proficiency in written and spoken English.
Category A, B & C students
In ALGANT the amount of the full-study scholarships is variable. It is higher for Third-Country master students (Category A scholarships) than for European master students (Category B scholarships) and can be further reduced (to zero!) for those interested students that are selected by the ALGANT Commission, meeting the requirements of ALGANT excellence (Category C scholarships). More specifically:
- Category A Scholarship is an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship (possibly) provided by the European Community and can be awarded to masters students selected by the ALGANT Consortium who come from a country other than a Member State of the European Union, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Turkey, the Western Balkan countries or Switzerland and who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in such a country.
- Category B Scholarship is also an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship (possibly) provided by the European Community and can be awarded to any masters students selected by the ALGANT Commission who do not fulfil the Category A criteria defined above, for example, European students.
- Category C Scholarship is any other kind of Scholarship (possibly) provided by a very broad array of concerns such as math associations, research organizations, public institutions and private non-profit foundations (private self funding included).
Admission criteria
The ideal candidate must possess an academic degree from a program in mathematics lasting a minimum of three years (Bachelor). A thorough proficiency in English is required. In fact, every student of the ALGANT master will be offered the possibility to follow his entire curriculum in English. For each student a program will be tailored individually, but every student will have to go through at least two hosting institutions of the consortium.
Applicants should:
- have completed a Bachelor of science degree in Mathematics or equivalent, with good results;
- have a thorough proficiency in written and spoken English.
Category A, B & C students
In ALGANT the amount of the full-study scholarships is variable. It is higher for Third-Country master students (Category A scholarships) than for European master students (Category B scholarships) and can be further reduced (to zero!) for those interested students that are selected by the ALGANT Commission, meeting the requirements of ALGANT excellence (Category C scholarships). More specifically:
- Category A Scholarship is an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship (possibly) provided by the European Community and can be awarded to masters students selected by the ALGANT Consortium who come from a country other than a Member State of the European Union, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Turkey, the Western Balkan countries or Switzerland and who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in such a country.
- Category B Scholarship is also an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship (possibly) provided by the European Community and can be awarded to any masters students selected by the ALGANT Commission who do not fulfil the Category A criteria defined above, for example, European students.
- Category C Scholarship is any other kind of Scholarship (possibly) provided by a very broad array of concerns such as math associations, research organizations, public institutions and private non-profit foundations (private self funding included).
Mobility schemes
For ALGANT, Category A, B & C students do have variable (decreasing) duties as follows. All students holding a scholarship and aiming at a (joint or) double degree must spend their study period in at least two of the European partner countries. They all spend their first year in one place. For Category A & B students these two countries must be different from the country in which the scholarship holder has obtained his/her last university degree. Category C students can start the course at any of the partners, including the country in which the scholarship holder has obtained his/her last university degree. Category B students who have spent their first year with a third country partner will have to spend the second year in Europe. Category B students who have spent their first year with a European partner may not spend more than a semester of the second year with a third country partner.
The mobility scheme will be reviewed every year, i.e. each academic year along with the review of the student agreement.
The Six Mobility Schemes. Here a large rectangle represents almost one-year study period and a small rectangle represents a study period between half a semester and one semester. White (resp. grey) rectangles represent study periods at a European (resp. third country) institution. Category A Mundus scholarship holders can only follow the first two mobility types. Category B Mundus scholarship holders can follow all other four mobility types but the mobility V shall actually be distributed between two European partners. Category C scholarship holders can follow all six mobility types.
More precisely, in ALGANT, such students from Category A will have to spend all of their time in Europe and those from Category B will have to include a mobility to a third country partner. In fact a number of Mundus scholarships for Category B students, which will be determined every year, will be reserved for students willing to spend the first year in Stellenbosch/AIMS. The student might actually work on his/her research project at any institution setting up a convention through the ALGANT Consortium, provided that this work is performed under the (joint) supervision of a member of the fourth semester partner hosting institution.
Application procedure
Starting from 2010, ALGANT applications are paper-free and joint for all categories of applicants (A, B or C). The applicant must register at the application website and fill the application form available on this site, uploading the documents required therein. Among the latter:
- scanned copies of all academic records of all courses taken at every institute of higher education attended, with a translation in English, or French, Italian or Dutch;
- a copy of the highest degree obtained, stating credits, grades and workload;
- a detailed curriculum vitae;
- a personal letter of motivation explaining the student’s interest in the ALGANT Master Course in particular and mathematics in general;
- any other documents characterizing applicant’s credentials, like research memoirs, mathematical competitions diplomas, etc.
In the application form the applicant should indicate e-mail addresses of two or more academic staff members, who will be contacted by us for reference letters.
In individual cases the consortium’s commission will decide whether any exceptional circumstances, compensations or alternatives should allow for deviation from the admission criteria above, or for the absence of some of the documents required. Students should always contact the ALGANT office when there is any doubt.
The application deadline for the Academic Year 2011/2012 is January 14, 2011 for all categories of applicants.
Selection process
The consortium’s commission reviews all applications to the ALGANT course, and selects those applicants to whom scholarships will be offered, based on academic merit, motivation, recommendations and chances of success in the programme. The selection process takes place early enough to allow for notification of final decision at least four months before courses start. Admission is final only when students have obtained the necessary visas, permits and insurance policies (the consortium will help with these procedures).
The tuition fees (per year) are 8 000 Euros for Category A students and 4 000 Euros for Category B & C students. They are paid once a year to the consortium’s secretariat. For beneficiaries of an Erasmus Mundus scholarship, the tuition fee will be paid by the European Commission.
The consortium has created the ALGANT Excellence Scholarship programme (ALExS) and all students are invited to apply to it, in order to receive help to cover the tuition fees.
Thanks to the support from the European Commission, ALGANT is in a position to offer scholarships to scholars from outside of Europe. Every scholarship amounts to 1 200 EUR per week, for a mobility of two weeks minimum, and three months maximum.
It is expected that scholars interact in an active way with the ALGANT students during their stay at the partner institutions.
For application information please contact the ALGANT secretariat or any of the contact persons.
Application Deadline : 14 January 2011
Web Link
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