The Islamic Development Bank (IDB) is delighted to announce that applications can be submitted for scholarships under the M.Sc. Scholarship Programme in Science and Technology for IDB Least Developed Member Countries (LDMCs) for the 1432H/(2011-2012) academic year. The scholarships will be awarded with effect from September 2011.
The Programme awards fifty (50) scholarships for a two-year M.Sc. degree course in disciplines that enhance development in IDB Least Developed Member Countries such as science, engineering, technology and medicine in academic institutions of IDB member countries. Three (3) of the scholarships have been allocated for statistics and related disciplines such as applied statistics, demography and econometrics.
The applicant must satisfy the following eligibility requirements:
- Be a citizen of any of an IDB Least Developed Member Country (LDMCs ) : Afghanistan, Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Palestine, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Togo, Uganda, Yemen.
- Must not be over 30 years of age on the deadline set for the submission of applications;
- Be a B.Sc. graduate in science/technology;
- Be graded above Good in his/her academic career;
- Be nominated by an academic research institution of his/her country;
- Be determined to return home at the end of his/her studies;
- Must not be a recipient of another scholarship;
- Be medically fit and be willing to undergo medical tests after selection.
Applicants for statistics and related disciplines must satisfy the following requirements in addition to the above:
- Be in possession of a B.Sc. degree or its equivalent in statistics or related disciplines;
- Must have a working experience of at least one year as statistician permanently employed by an institution in a member country;
- Be determined to return home at the end of his/her studies.
The scholarship comprises tuition fees based on standard fees of academic institutions and on the agreement concluded with the IDB, cost of living allowance, health insurance cost and travel ticket cost, clothing allowance, allocation for research, computer, etc.
The applicant must complete:
- the scholarship application form,
- furnish two (2) passport-size photos,
- copy of passport,
- copy of birth certificate,
- copy of B.Sc. degree and transcripts,
- three letters of reference and an admission letter from an institution in an IDB member country (not in the West)
and submit them to the office of the IDB Governor for the applicant’s country before December 31, 2010.
For more information about M.Sc Scholarship in Science & Technology for IDB Least Developed Member Countries (M.Sc.) please contact:
Scholarship Division
Islamic Development Bank,
P.O. Box 5925, Jeddah 21432, Saudi Arabia
Tel:+966-2- 646 6833; Fax: +966-2- 646 6887; e-mail:scholar[at]isdb.org
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