The ERASMUS MUNDUS Master Course (EMCC) in Ecohydrology (www.ecohyd.org) is a unique international master course focusing on a new vision for aquatic ecosystems restoration and long-term sustainability. The Ecohydrology approach was developed and have been refined within the International Hydrologic Program (IHP) of UNESCO. Actually its importance is recognized by the 193 counties composing the UNESCO General Conference, being “Ecohydrology for Sustainability” one of the five major themes of the Phase VII of the IHP-UNESCO.
The Ecohydrology EMMSc is supported by a consortium build on highly experienced Higher Education Institution (HEI) in this field, as the UNESCO Institute for Water Education (Delft, Netherlands), the University of Lodz (Poland), the University of Algarve (Portugal), the Christian Albrecht University of Kiel (Germany) and the National University of La Plata (Argentina). Several institutions, as Research and UNESCO Centers, from Europe, Latin America, Asia and Australia are associating to this course, contributing with advanced study courses and promoting students exchange.
EMMC Scholarship Programme
Students from all world countries are welcome to apply to this EMMC. Deadlines and requirements for applications should be verified at www.ecohyd.org. Students selected by the consortium will receive grants from the European Union “Educational, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency”. These scholarships, 48.000 Euros for the entire course for category A students (from non-european countries) and 23.000 Euros for category B students (from European students), will cover all expenses with fees, travelling and subsistence for the period of the course (24 months). Students not requiring grant are also welcome to attend to the course. For these candidates, the value of the fees is 8.000 Euros/year and 4.000 Euros/year, respectively for category A and B students.
For more information : http://www.ecohyd.org/selection_criteria.html
Application Deadline : 31 January 2011
Web Link http://www.ecohyd.org
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