In 2001, the e8 established as a pilot project, a scholarship program to encourage and support the study of sustainable energy development in the world.
These scholarships were made available to outstanding students from developing countries and economies in transition for a period of up to two years in the Masters.
Energy Education Development (ESED) was selected by the e8 theme for the 2004-2005 year presidency. The year 2005 marked the beginning of the United Nations Decade for Education and therefore was an opportunity to e8 leadership and profile in the field of education with a focus on sustainable energy development. A report ESED e8 in Africa, Asia and Latin America provide the basis for selection.
In 2004, the Fellowship Program was evaluated and a comprehensive assessment of options for support ESED prepared. The e8 members decided to establish a five-year Programme of Action, which consists of the following programs:
- ESED Scholarship Program
- Scholars Network
- Internships
What is the purpose of the e8 scholarship?
The purpose of the e8 scholarship is to support outstanding students, from developing countries, pursuing advanced studies in sustainable energy development and to encourage meaningful contributions to the collective body of knowledge about this subject.
Who is considered to be an outstanding student?
The e8 considers an outstanding student to be one
- Who graduates with excellent grades In the top 20 % of her/his class.
- Who is determined to advance her/his knowledge and understanding.
- Who has a history of community involvement.
- Who is committed to sustainable energy development.
- Who is committed to return and contribute to her /his home country’s development.
Who is eligible to apply for the e8 Scholarship?
- Citizens from developing countries and territories identified for OECD official development aid in the DAS list of ODA recipients effective as of 2006.
- Candidates planning to undertake studies at the Masters level in areas directly related to sustainable energy development.
What are the levels of financial assistance and the duration of the scholarship?
Scholarship of US$ 23,000 per year for up to two years are offered for Masters level students. Five Masters scholarships will be awarded annually.
Which programmes are eligible for the e8 Scholarship?
The programmes eligible for the e8 scholarship must be directly related to sustainable energy development.
Which Universities are eligible for the e8 Scholarship?
All universities are eligible for the e8 scholarship. It is preferable that the candidate pursues her/his studies in a university outside his home country.
Does the e8 offer scholarships for the PhD level?
No. The e8 Scholarship Programme is designed for the Masters level only.
Does the e8 offer scholarships for the Post-Doctoral level?
No. The e8 does not offer anymore scholarship for the post-doctoral level.
Am I guaranteed the scholarship if I meet the requirements?
No. This is a competition and your application will be compared to those of other applicants.
Should I wait to apply until I have received the acceptance letter from the university?
No. The candidate may apply before receiving her/his acceptance letter. However it is the responsibility of the student to provide the acceptance letter as soon as possible.
If I have applied to more than one university should I send two applications?
No. In the case of applying to more than one university the candidate should indicate, in a separate document, the list of universities she/he have applied to.
Should I send my original transcripts?
No. You may send copies of your transcripts. If you are selected for the scholarship, the e8 will ask for the original documents.
What document should be sent as a proof of citizenship?
You may send either a birth certificate (copy) or the scanned copy of your passport (only the page with your picture and information). Please just send ONLY ONE of the documents indicated.
How may I obtain the forms?
You may download them from the e8 website. www.e8.org
Does the e8 send paper form applications?
No. Application forms may be obtained from the e8 website.
How do I submit my application package?
Although applicants are under no obligation to do so, it is preferable to transmit application packages by EMAIL. As the volume of incoming e-mailed applications is extremely heavy around the deadline, we strongly urge you to submit your file as early as possible. To facilitate processing, please label your attachments as follows:
- Application_Last_Name_of_Applicant
- CV_Last_Name_of_Applicant
- Motivation_Last_Name_of_Applicant
- Transcripts_Last_Name_of_Applicant
- Admission_Last_Name_of_Applicant
- Academic_ref_Last_Name_of_Applicant
- Personal_ref_Last_Name_of_Applicant
- Citizenship_Last_Name_of_Applicant
Applications that are not labelled correctly will not be considered.
You may also send your application package by special delivery or regular airmail. Whichever means of transmittal you choose, your application must reach us by the deadline otherwise your application will not be considered.
Should I send any additional documents?
No, additional documents will not be considered as part of your application.
How are applications assessed and awarded?
An Academic Panel consisting of accomplished representatives of notable academic institutions from Europe, North America and Japan review the applications and select the winners.
When will I know if my scholarship application has been successful?
Applicants are normally informed within 6 to 8 weeks after the deadline.
How will I be informed of the selection?
The results will be posted on the e8 website, in the results section. A profile of the selected candidates will be posted.
If my application is successful, do I have to confirm with the e8 that I am accepting the scholarship?
Yes. You must do this promptly so that the e8 can arrange to transfer the funds to your university.
Will the e8 scholarship be sufficient to cover all my travel, tuition and living expenses?
Not necessarily. It will depend upon the university and the country where you wish to study. Tuition fees and living expenses vary significantly from country to country and university to university. It is your responsibility to ensure that you will have sufficient funds.
How can I find out what it will cost to study at a particular university?
You should ask the University. Many universities provide comprehensive estimates of the costs of studying on their websites.
What if I am accepted at a university and the e8 scholarship is insufficient to cover all my expenses?
If you decide to attend that university, it is up to you to obtain the necessary additional funding. The e8 scholarship cannot provide the additional funding.
Can I hold more than one scholarship at a time?
Yes. The e8 places no restriction on your ability to hold other scholarships although some other scholarships do not allow it. You should check if there are restrictions.
Can I work for extra income while I have an e8 scholarship?
Yes, but you should make sure that your university and the country in which you will be studying allow you to do so.
How do I cover medical expenses while studying abroad?
These expenses are your responsibility. Many universities offer medical insurance programs for students at a reasonable cost.
How will I obtain the scholarship funds?
The e8 makes arrangements with your university to release funds to you every semester. You will be notified by the e8 of the specific arrangements after we have contacted your university.
Does the e8 help me to make travel and accommodation arrangements?
No, It is your responsibility to make all these arrangements.
How do I pay for travel to my university?
e8 scholarship funds can be used for travel expenses. Some universities will advance you money from the scholarship to pay for travel. You should contact your university about this.
Can the e8 provide additional funds to help me with expenses for research in addition to the scholarship?
No. Such expenses are to be covered by the scholarship or other sources
Can I change universities and/or programs once I have been awarded the scholarship?
Yes, providing you obtain prior written approval from the e8.
What are my obligations to the e8 if I am selected?
You are expected to complete your degree or your research, update the e8 about your progress and publish your results. You are required to acknowledge the e8 support when publishing or making presentations on your research and results. We may ask you to present your results at an e8 function, in which case your out of pocket expenses incurred to make the presentation will be covered by the e8.
How many times per year the masters scholarship selection takes place?
Only once a year
Apart from the annual masters scholarship selection are there any other selectiobs for scholarship?
No, e8 scholarships are given only once a year
What should I do if I want to re-apply for next year’s scholarship?
You must submit :
- Deferral letter from the university indicating the deferal session.
- Applicant’s Statement with the new form
- Send an e-mail indicating taht you wish to re-apply. Only applications from the year before are kept by the e8 GS.
Where do I get further information about the scholarship?
If you cannot find the information you are looking for on the e8 website then write to:
e8 General Secretariat
505 de Maisonneuve Blvd West, Lobby
Montréal (Québec)
Canada H3A 3C2
T: +1-514-392-8876
F: +1-514-392-8900
E-mail: e8generalsecretariat@hydro.qc.ca
Web site: www.e8.org
What is the deadline for the e8 masters scholarship
The deadline to have all your documents at the e8 General Secretariat is March 11, 2011. All documents arriving after the deadline will not be considered.
Download Center
Downloadable Application Forms in .word and .pdf format
Clicking on one of the links below will open a new window with the corresponding application form.
2010-2011 Forms (English)
- Masters programme Scholarship Application Form (.doc | .pdf)
- Masters programme Application Checklist (.doc | .pdf)
- Masters programme Applicant’s Statement form (.doc | .pdf)
- Masters Programme Academic Reference form (.doc | .pdf)
The form should then be completed on screen, printed out and mailed to the e8 General Secretariat with accompanying documents.
e8 General Secretariat
505 de Maisonneuve blvd, West, Lobby
Montreal,Quebec,Canada H3A 3C2
Tel : +1-514-392-8876
Fax : +1-514-392-8900
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