The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology is recruiting ’2011 Government Scholarship Students’. For more details, please refer to the following information.
1. Qualification : Applicants must meet all the following conditions:
a. Applicants must be 2nd or 3rd or 4th year undergraduate students.
b. GPA for the last semester must be over 80 out of 100.
c. Applicants must pass a minium fourth level in the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK).
※ Students who have already received scholarships from the Government of Korea or other institutions are NOT allowed to apply. (ex. Students who have received scholarships from foreign governments or Il-Woo Foundation or 4 year scholarships are NOT allowed to apply)
2. Quota : Total 200 international students from all universities in Korea
3. Scholarship
a. Amount : Annually KRW 6 million per student (KRW 0.5 million X 12 months)
b. Winners of the Scholarhip will receive the money over an year.
4. Application
a. where to apply : International Center, Inha University
b. Application Deadline : 17:00 Mar. 2 (Wed) 2011
c. Application Documents :
1) Application Document
2) Copy of Passport
3) Certificate of Enrollment
4) Official Tran
※ Tran must be officially issued by Inha University. GPA should be converted into the percentage in the tran.
Transfer students must also submit trans of all universities attended.
5) a Proof of Proficiency of Korean (TOPIK) / It should be issue after Mar. 1 2009
6) a letter of self-introduction and study plan
7) a letter of recommendation
※ A letter of recommendation must include personal information of both recommender and recommendee and
a signature of the recommender. It should be sealed by the recommender. Other Documents (ex. proof of English proficiency, proof of other achievements or awards)
5. Important Things
a. Applicant’s English name must be identical to the one shown in the passport
b. All the application documents must be A4 size
c. tran must be officially issued by Inha University.
d. application documents must be properly sorted out and submitted.
e. If the application documents are false, the applicant is NOT eligible.
f. If an student wins the scholarship but later drop out of school, the scholarship is stripped off.
g. Application documents will NOT be returned
Application Deadline : 2 March 2011
Visit official website.
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