WMF was founded in 2005 to provide funding and support in the areas of education, literacy and the arts, primarily in the developing world. WMF is 501(c)(3) non-profit and all donations are fully tax deductible.
Our WMF Scholarship Program has grown from just one scholarship in Ghana in 2005, to this year, 39 WMF Scholars studying in Senegal, Ghana, Haiti, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Uganda, and the United States. Fourteen new WMF Scholars were chosen from 125 applicants this past July.
Our maximum scholarship is $3,000, and although our average scholarship is only $2,200, generally we provide all support necessary for a student to complete their studies. Priority is given to students who have volunteered in their country or shown other support for organizations that we are close to, including the YMCA d’Haiti, the YMCA of Senegal, and the Junior Arts Club in Accra, Ghana, and who express a willingness to stay and work in their home country after they receive their education. Ten of our present students are pursuing degrees in the medical field. Other areas of study include engineering, business and social work. We have an amazingly dedicated group of young people as our present WMF Scholars and 11 alumni.
Our hope is that by providing the opportunity to further one’s education, the scholarship participants will not only be able to improve their own future, but also that of their own communities. The foundation believes in the power and importance of community service and, as a result, all scholarship participants are required to volunteer for a minimum of one month a year.
Each year the Foundation provides support to a number of students as they pursue various educational objectives. Typically support is provided for post-secondary school (college, university, polytechnic, trade school). Financial support is primarily to cover the costs of the education itself, and directly related expenses including books, and supplies at the educational institution. In some limited cases the support can be extended to cover other personal expenses while pursuing the educational objective including food and lodging, travel to and from the educational institution, and other personal needs.
Documents that must include with the application:
- A brochure or other information on the educational institution that you propose to attend.
- A Letter of Admission from the institution if you have received one.
- Two Letters of Recommendation.
- A personal statement of not less than 500 words, telling us about your background, your family and why you believe you should be favorably considered for this scholarship. This statement is a very important part of our decision making process.
Scholarships will generally be granted for the full period of study, however, recipients must provide copies of all progress reports and grades as they are received and the scholarship can be discontinued at any time in the event of unsatisfactory performance.
The scholarship awards are determined by the Board of Directors of the Wells Mountain Foundation and awarded once a year.
Applications must be received by July 1, 2011 to be considered for the 2011-2012 school year.
Applicants will be notified if they have been selected as a WMF Scholarship student by approximately August 15, 2011. All applications should be sent or e-mailed to:
Source: http://wellsmountainfoundation.org/scholarships.php
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