Beasiswa Kuliah Di Luar Negeri

ITH Scholarships: Studi Manajemen Perhotelan & Pariwisata di Austria

Beasiswa ITH lebih ditujukan bagi mereka yang telah memiliki pengalaman dalam bidang pariwisata dan mereka yang ingin mempelajari mengenai Manajemen, Pengembangan Pariwisata Berkelanjutan dan penggunan dari teknologi terkini. Pelaksanaan beasiswa ITH akan diadakan di Tourism […]

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Beasiswa Kuliah Di Luar Negeri

Indonesia Austria Scholarship Programme

Based on the Agreement between the Indonesian Ministry of Education and the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research and the agreement between the Directorate General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture […]

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Beasiswa S3

Austria : Vienna PhD School of Informatics

The Vienna PhD School of Informatics is an international PhD School, funded by the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna), the City of Vienna and private sponsors. PhD students for this full-time programme are recruited […]

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Beasiswa S2

Richard Plaschka Scholarship, Austria

Area of study or research: Humanities and Theology Historical Sciences, Linguistics and Literature Sciences Detailed type of grant: semester or one-year grant, research grant Target Group: postgraduates PhD holders researchers Authority awarding grant: OeAD-GmbH/ICM-Centre for […]

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Beasiswa S2

Mondi Scholarships for International Students, Austria

Mondi Scholarships for International Students are tenable in Austria. Scholarships are awarded for basic university programs (university degree, bachelor programs), or, in case the students have already completed studies in their home country, for Master […]