PhD Studentship in Detection and analysis of enteroviral infection in human type 1 diabetes at University of Plymouth
- Job category: Research
- Location: Plymouth
- Hours: Full-time/Fixed-term for 3 years
- Salary: See main text
- Closing date: Tuesday, 31st May 2011 at 16:00
- Contact email: pcmd-researchdegrees@pcmd.ac.uk
- Job reference: PCMD-GS-0038
Equal Opportunities (DOC – 76Kb)
This Studentship is based in the Institute of Biomedical & Clinical Science at Plymouth.
The Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry with its parent Institutions, the Universities of Exeter and Plymouth, are seeking to attract PhD candidates of outstanding ability to join their exciting and rapidly expanding programme of internationally rated research.
As part of our new developments and our commitment to research excellence, applications are invited from suitably qualified graduates, 2:1 or above, for a PhD studentship in the above field. International students must also have IELTS [International English Language Testing System] score of 7 and above (or equivalent qualification).
This studentship will develop ongoing research which has implicated the establishment of a persistent enteroviral infection in the pancreatic beta-cells, as a possible factor leading to autoimmunity in human patients with type 1 diabetes (see Diabetologia 52, 1143-1152, 2009). The successful candidate will join a team investigating these mechanisms and will develop methods to study the cellular response to enteroviral infection in tissue samples obtained from patients with recent-onset type 1 diabetes. The team forms part of an EU consortium studying viral infection in diabetes and the student will have opportunity to collaborate with relevant consortium partners.
Closing date for application: 31st May 2011
Start date: 01st October 2011
For an application pack, please contact:
Bernice Wilmshurst, Senior Administrator (Research Degrees)
Peninsula College of Medicine & Dentistry,
John Bull Building, Tamar Science Park , Plymouth PL6 8BU
Telephone 01752 437471 or email pcmd-researchdegrees@pcmd.ac.uk
For an informal discussion, please contact: Prof Noel Morgan (noel.morgan@pms.ac.uk)
Funding Notes
The stipend will be £13,590 (based on full time 10/11 rate). Tuition fees will be paid at the home rate. Candidates from countries outside the European Uni0n will be liable for the difference between `home student fees` and `international student fees`. If you wish to be considered for this studentship you must confirm that you are able to pay the international portion of the fee. For the 10/11 academic year this is £9200 but is likely to increase slightly each year. If you are selected you will be required to provide financial assurances.
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