KTH School of Information and Communication Technology seeks a Ph.D. Student in Materials Physics
KTH is the largest technical university in Sweden. Education and research cover a broad spectrum within natural sciences and engineering, as well as architecture, industrial engineering and management, urban planning, work science and environmental engineering. KTH has 13 344 full-time equivalent students, of whom 6 955 are at Bachelor (first) level, while 5 545 are at Master (second) level. In addition, 1 314 are full-time equivalent students at doctoral studies (third) level and 3 900 employees.
The school of Information and Communication Technology, ICT, conducts research and education in the Information Technology, Electronics, and Physics. We work with the scientific foundation, as well as the technical infrastructure and services. We have an internationally competitive profile in research in nano-electronics, photonics, electronic and computer systems, software and communication technology. The collaboration with the surrounding companies is facilitated e.g. by Kista Science City. We also offer a broad spectrum of university level education programs.
Description of the position
The Department for Material Physics conducts research within surface physics and surface chemistry, thin film physics, strongly correlated systems, spintronics, nanotechnology and semiconductor physics. The position concerns basic research within “physics and chemistry of surfaces in the Grätzel cell” related to development of solar cells and organic thin films. The work comprises experimental determination of the chemical bond between molecules and oxide surfaces and how this is affected by the surface structure and composition, determination of electronic structure and optical properties and development of new preparations methods.
The work is primarily experimental and will be performed in our own scanning probe microscopy (STM) laboratory in Kista as well as at different synchrotron radiation laboratories in Sweden and abroad. Construction of new equipment and maintenance of existing equipment is an important part of the work. Good theoretical back ground is needed since advanced analysis and numerical simulations are part of the work.
Eligibility and Assessment Criteria
Suitable background is a master degree in Nanotechnology, Applied Physics, Materials Physics or equivalent. Furthermore we assume that the successful applicant is strongly motivated to conduct academic research, be able to work independently and critically analyse results and have good collaborative and communicative skills. Good knowledge in written and spoken English is mandatory. Knowledge in Swedish is an advantage. These qualifications must be highlighted in the application.
- Form of employment: Time limited, following Ordinance for Doctoral Students Grants (Förordning om utbildningsbidrag för doktorander SFS 1995:938)
- Start: To be agreed.
- The salary: Doctoral grant accordingly to Ordinance for Doctoral Students Grants and research assistant salary 20% accordingly to “KTH`s student salary agreement”
Deadline for application is May, 16th 2011.
Please refer to the reference number I-2011-0254 in your application.
The application must include the following documents:
- • Full curriculum vitae
• Degree certificates and transcripts from university /university college
• Motivation letter of why the applicant wishes to become a doctoral student
• Summary of qualifications requested for the position
• Letters of recommendation or contact information for two reference persons Applications via e-mail are to be sent to registrator@ict.kth.se
The documents shall be sent as PDF attachments if the application is sent in electronically.
We also accept applications via ordinary post sent to:
KTH – ICT, Registrator
Forum 105
S-164 40 Kista, Sweden
For more information about the position, please contact
Mats Göthelid, Associate Professor
Telephone +46 8 790 4154
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