The Interactive Media Systems Group of the Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems at the Vienna University of Technology is seeking to recruit a Research Assistant (PhD student) for a fixed period of 3 years. The post holder will work in the field of multimedia retrieval.
Vienna University of Technology is one of the major universities in Vienna, the capital of Austria. Founded in 1815 as the “Imperial-Royal Polytechnic Institute”, it currently has about 20.000 students, 8 faculties and about 1800 academic staff members. The university’s teaching and research is focused on engineering and natural sciences. The post holder will be based at the urban campus which is located in walking distance from Vienna City Centre and easily reached by public transportation.
You will work on the Automatic Analysis of Elephant Vocalizations project, funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The project’s main objectives are the investigation of the complex vocal communication system of elephants and the development of automatic techniques for the analysis of elephant calls. You will work in an interdisciplinary team of biologists and computer scientists developing algorithms for the detection of elephant vocalizations, estimation of group-sizes from vocalization rates, analysis of age and gender of the callers, etc. Additionally, you will investigate the benefits of visual information for these tasks.
To qualify for this role you need an outstanding M.Sc. or Diploma in Computer Science or a related discipline. Ideally, you will also have research experience in pattern recognition, signal processing and retrieval, and analysis techniques for audio and/or visual media.
You should be highly motivated and able to work both independently, as well as in a team of other researchers in the area of multimedia retrieval. You must have an interest in interdisciplinary research work and be comfortable with opportunities and challenges that come with such work.
Command of German or willingness to acquire German language skills is appreciated.
We offer a great working atmosphere as well as remuneration according to the current FWF labor cost rates which includes statutory health insurance and participation in the public pension scheme. Additionally, you may participate in the Vienna University of Technology’s human resources development scheme.
The Vienna University of Technology is an equal opportunity employer actively committed to ensuring diversity in all campus employment.
For more information about this post please contact:
Dalibor Mitrovic (mitrovic ‘at’
Please submit your application including your cover letter, CV, transcripts, references (if available) and a list of publications (if available) to: jobs ‘at’
Applications received by February 7, 2011 will be given full consideration.
Application Deadline : 7 February 2011
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