The positions are located at the Linnaeus Centre HEAD (LCH, Official Website.) which is an excellence centre financed by the Swedish Research Council. LCH interacts synergistically with the HEAD graduate school (HGS, Official Website.). The organizational abode of the LCH/HGS is the Swedish Institute for Disability Research (SIDR, Official Website.), administratively located at the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Learning (IBL), Linköping university.
Cognitive Hearing Science is a new, interdisciplinary field that focuses on how hearing-impaired and deaf people deploy cognitive resources to communicate in realistic, everyday situations. We will chart and model the dynamic interplay in the nervous system between human cognition and auditory signal processing, both aided and unaided. The proposed research will investigate how the brain constructs meaning from degraded and distorted input signals, and how brain plasticity varies in relation to the developmental trajectories of cognition and language across the lifespan.
The communicative consequences of available sensory modality (visual, auditory and audiovisual) and preferred language modality (sign and speech) are studied at neural, cognitive and social levels of analysis to ensure robust modelling of necessary and sufficient stages of processing and adequacy of levels of description. The malleability of the sensory-cognitive interface is addressed in targeted intervention studies.
We welcome applications to one or more positions in the following specific areas (institutional affiliation within parenthesis). If you apply for more than one position – please rank them.
- Speech understanding in noise (2 positions x 100%, one at University of Gävle and one at IBL)
- Cognitive and linguistic development in children with cochlear implants/hearing aids (100%, IBL)
- Speech as a masker in spoken communication – Technical audiology (100%, Technical audiology, IKE, Linköping University)
- Neuroimaging of tinnitus and tinnitus-related cognitive functions (100%, IBL)
- Longitudinal aspects of cognition and hearing (100%, IBL)
- Internet-based hearing screening and cognitive testing (100%, IBL)
The doctoral student should focus principally on the scientific training. However, a doctoral student may engage in teaching, research and administration, if such work is available.
Employment as a doctoral student is conditional on acceptance to the scientific training programme. There are basic and special requirements for acceptance to the scientific training programme in Disability Research. The basic requirement for acceptance comprises a first degree at advanced level and completed courses totalling at least 240 ECTS, of which at least 60 ECTS at advanced level, or equivalent knowledge gained otherwise. In special circumstances, the faculty board may allow exemption from the basic requirement for an individual applicant. The special requirement for acceptance to the scientific training programme in Disability Research is at least 90 ECTS in a subject of relevance to the field of Disability Research. The basic and special requirements will also be considered to be met by an individual who has an equivalent older degree, or equivalent knowledge gained otherwise. In special circumstances, the faculty board may allow exemption from the special requirement for an individual applicant.
Persons who prior to 1 July 2007 met the basic requirement for acceptance to the scientific training programme in Disability Research, shall thereafter also be considered to have met the basic requirement, but only until the end of June 2015. The basic requirement before 1 July 2007 was a degree comprising at least 180 ECTS or equivalent knowledge gained otherwise.
Equal opportunities
LiU continues to develop as an attractive and creative work place characterized by equal opportunities, and actively promotes diversity and gender equality. Applications from persons with disabilities are especially welcome.
Appointment time
The appointment will be until further notice for a maximum of one year at a time. A doctoral student may be employed during a period not exceeding eight years. The total time of appointment must not exceed the equivalent of four years` full time research training.
Starting date
As soon as possible.
The starting salary for doctoral students is based on IBL`s salary scale. The starting salary for a doctoral student in 2010 is currently 20 750 SEK/month.
Contact persons: Jerker Rönnberg (+46 13 282107, jerker.ronnberg@liu.se). Trade uni0n representatives: Örjan Lönnevik (SACO), (+ 46 13 286634, orjlo@ifm.liu.se) and Agneta Andersson-Berg (OFR/ST), (+46 11 363512, agnan@ivv.liu.se). Personnel manager: Maj-Britt Remneblad, (+46 13 28 2121, maj-britt.remneblad@liu.se), for information on conditions of employment.
Contact persons for each position:
- Speech understanding in noise.
Patrik Sörqvist (+46 26 648542, patrik.sorqvist@hig.se) and Björn Lyxell (+46 13 282106, bjorn.lyxell@liu.se) - Cognitive and linguistic development in children with cochlear implants/hearing aids.
Björn Lyxell (+46 13 282107, bjorn.lyxell@liu.se) - Speech as a masker in spoken communication – Technical audiology.
Birgitta Larsby (+46 10 1031540, birgitta.larsby@liu.se) - Neuroimaging of tinnitus and tinnitus-related cognitive functions.
Gerhard Andersson (+46 13 285840, gerhard.andersson@liu.se) - Longitudinal aspects of cognition and hearing.
Henrik Danielsson (+46 13 282199, henrik.danielsson@liu.se) - Internet-based hearing screening and cognitive testing.
Gerhard Andersson (+46 13 285840, gerhard.andersson@liu.se)
Application procedure
Your application marked with the corresponding registration number LiU-2011-00173 must reach the University Registrar no later than March 11th, 2011 at the following address:
Linköpings Universitet
SE-581 83 Linköping
Documents that are sent electronically must be in one of the formats MS Word or pdf.
Applications submitted too late will not be considered.
Your application should include the following:
- a letter of application detailing how you meet the basic and special requirements, why you are interested in the position, and why you are particularly well-qualified for it
- a list of your academic qualifications and other qualifications which you deem appropriate copies of certificates supporting your qualifications
- a copy of your master`s thesis (or bachelor thesis as appropriate)
- a research plan outlining a research issue that you wish to address within the field stated above and detailing how you would like to go about addressing that issue in terms of theoretical concepts and methods
- names, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of two persons who are willing to provide a reference for you
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