Karlstad University–the modern university–is characterised by a combination of active cooperation with external partners and academic excellence. Karlstad University has around 12 000 students and a staff of over 1 200 members.
Democratic principles, equality and diversity are the cornerstones of our activities. We value and welcome the enriching presence of a diversity of backgrounds and qualifications among students and staff.
Doctoral student position in Business Administration with an emphasis on accounting leading to a PhD
Doctoral study programmes are offered in twenty-six disciplines at Karlstad University-one of which is business administration. Research in business administration at Karlstad University is carried out in many areas. A doctoral studentship is now available in business administration with an emphasis on accounting.
Eligibility and assessment criteria
Candidates must meet the requirements for general and special eligibility. The general eligibility requirement is completed education at Bachelor and Master levels, totalling 240 higher education credits. The special eligibility for admission to doctoral studies in business administration requires that at least 120 higher education credits are in business administration, including at least 30 higher education credits at Master’s level, of which 15 credits have been earned for an independent degree project. The requirements for subject courses and independent projects can be replaced by equivalent studies in an adjacent discipline or major field of study. In the assessment of candidates, special consideration will be given to the quality of independent degree projects. Good command of English is a requirement. Accounting covers the subareas financial accounting and management accounting. As the need for expertise is greater in financial accounting, candidates with qualifications in this field will be given priority.
Candidates are assessed individually and admission is based on their capacity to successfully complete the programme. As the data collection for the dissertation project must be carried out at Swedish workplaces, the candidates’ mastery of a Scandinavian language will be given special attention. The successful candidate is expected to start as soon as possible at Karlstad University. The doctoral student employment has a four-year time limit with possible prolongation up till one year if duties have included other research, teaching or administration (must not exceed 20% of full time).
Application should include:
- CV
- Submitted degree thesis projects
- Any other academic texts displaying the candidate’s capacity to complete the doctoral programme successfully
- Account of practical experience and relevant employments
- Brief (max.1,000 words) account of reasons for applying, main dissertation research area and ambitions for the future
Application should be submitted electronically with all documents attached.
Application Deadline : 12 April 2011
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