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Beasiswa FULL Kuliah S1 + Biaya Hidup di Universitas Paramadina

PARAMADINA FELLOWSHIP 2013The Gateway for a Bright Future Universitas Paramadina bekerjasama dengan para dermawan Indonesia untuk “keenam kalinya”, menawarkan beasiswa kepada siswa-siswi serta lulusan Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas (SLTA) atau sederajat yang memiliki prestasi akademik […]

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Beasiswa S1

Scholarships for Students from Singapore, Malaysia & Indonesia – University of Western Australia

The International Undergraduate Scholarship is awarded on the basis of academic excellence and enthusiasm for science research for students from Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.A total of three scholarships are available and each scholarship is valued […]

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Beasiswa VDMS untuk D3, S1 & S2 Institut Pertanian Bogor

The Van Deventer-Maas Stichting announces the availibility of new scholarship. The scholarship supports deprived, talented and motivated students, preferably for students origaniting from certain areas (western, northern and eastern Indonesia)Beasiswa ditujukan untuk D3. S1, dan […]