Adrian Lee Travel Scholarship, University of New South Wales, Australia

This Scholarship was established to encourage students undertaking PhD studies at UNSW to undertake a period of overseas study involving collaborative work with overseas universities or other international research institutions. Applicants must have been undertaking full-time study in a PhD program for at least 18 months in the School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Science (BABS), in any of the following three programs; Microbiology and Immunology (program code 1440), Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics (program code 1410) or Biotechnology (program code 1036). The value of the Scholarship is $5,000, payable in one lump sum. The Scholarship is tenable for one year only. Completed application forms and any supporting documentation should be scanned and emailed (preferably as a single pdf document) to the Graduate Research School on

by the specified closing date.

Application period – 01 December 2010 – 18 February 2011
Faculty – Science
School – Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences
Residency – All
Program Level – Postgraduate Research
Value – $5,000
Tenure – 1 year


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